20 March 2017


like a pacman 
gobbling all goodness
with its sweltering midgety mouth
leaves noneth. 

I wish we could borrow each other's eyes.
limbs. torsos and feet. 
And most wholesomely - hearts.
But hey, temporarily!
They say it's good to see
your home from afar. 

If I really understood you. 
and you really knew me too! 
What a world it would be! 

26 June 2010

Hyderabad of My Life

This city spreads out before me

like a wet dame , watery and cloudy

like I am a young Krishna

and this city , My Radha.

From this 8th Floor
I see it face to face

place to place

its chastity at the brim of

my sight

almost falling

and almost coalescent

like mercury in the mercurial sense of life.

I see a white flag

and an orange flag.

Deranged Lines of other petty flags.

children.women.men.baroque facades.

pools of flesh and eyes.

I see a world right here.

And I ask if I am light years away

or light years close to life.

Both remain the same anyway.

O Radha

Tell me you will love me forever.

I know I can always come back to you.

I know your devotion surpasses my grace.

It always has.

And it will


Swati Tempta

24th Day of June 2010

31 May 2010


Like hotwheels.
Like hot , like wheels ,
thrumming all thermostatics,
Rolls on.And on.

An engine not-seen
does not make an engine not-been.

Temperatures outsoaring
and a break at a peak.
Then Bleak . Bleak. Bleak.
Mere Vaccum.

So , must there be a break
before the vaccum ,
atleast Once.
To binge on some beer
with friends ,
with the ones you love ,
and the ones who love you.

And let this break be the only
thirst-burst to your scorching soul.
For , when mugs go all toasts
to you ,
the sound of cheers
and the smell of beers
reeking on the highway
is the perfume of life
well lived
well loved
by the ones you loved
and the ones that loved.

Godspeed my Friend.
On a Farewell
as this.
Well lived !
Godspeed .....

Swati Tempta

1st Day of June 2010


20 May 2010

Dear Cocaine Man

“Hey Mr. Cocaine Man
gimme that lingered thought
gimme that hallucination.
If peace be in a drug called love
then let it be my salvation.

When pieces come not peace
from people I love and know
and want to keep.
Then gimme that sniff
that pensive sleep
to let go of this situation………….”

……..is what I’d have said to you , O dear Cocaine Man ,
were I a jukebox that plays and plays until it’s tired of its own make.
And would thus love to break.

But as I ask you for cocaine and
escape and obsession
in the form of matter of this civilization
let it be dear Cocaine man -
the matter be what matter.
And what matter be just matter.
For it’s all matter in the end.

Many days could have been.
Especially the ones gone unseen.

Let this dizziness blade my senses
for sometimes the fear is an awakening
that fences
more fear.
I know I would smile for this haze
Down my material being of maze.

O dear Cocaine Man
Who’ll save you from you ?
O dear Cocaine Man
The sun’s going down
Tell me ……Who are you ?

If Cocaine could save me hearts
Why would I be able to think and scribble ?
Ever thought ?
Just think for a while or detest
Take my smile to cover the rest.

Swati Tempta

20th Day of May 2010

03 April 2010

To 'Common Man' , with Love

An Introduction

Our verbal jargons come so easy , so unlike the life of the so called common man. Let me caricature the common man for all those who have forgotten the heat and dirt of the Indian roads in the rat race to the silver altar. This of course is the life of those 40 - 50% Indians who live India each day and wonder if every-today it has become the India of their dreams.

"I don't wear a sunscreen when I walk that road with my co-pedestrians such as Mr. Scorchman , Miss Sand-dune, Miss mugginess or Mr. Not-enough-bucks-high-five-for-wearing-the-same-pants-buddy.I strictly donot wear gabanna , gucchi , ricci , Kenzo or xyzeee.Truthfully , this is the first time I came across these names , and it feels a hell-lot-good not knowing their prices , I mean , c'mon , that's like my monthly income.I come from a country of cars as well as carts but by the way, I am not one of those 220.1-million-people-living-below-the-poverty-line okay!I have a little rented appartment , big enough to sustain a family of 5 and needs of 1 ,and so I and they - well.....we all , just compromise on many things , the everyday-things , but hey , I am self made and please donot remind me of those times when I could have got an opportunity to study and been a doctor or an engineer but hell , my father had his brother's elephant family to feed and pay prioritized-attention to. Huh ! Hell ya , I could have been - SomeThing ! Though my father is now gone I still love him , so utter not a bloody word against him or ask me why-didn't-he-let-me-study-more kinda stuff.Also donot ask me why he asked me to work at such a small age and introduced me to that dame - responsibility.It was my duty to be devout and we all loved it so. Well , who had the awareness those days ?And please , don't call my father , dad. That's so-not-my-generation and so off-the-respect-for us , 45-year-olds now. You children now a days........Good Lord !!" ....Says every this-kinda man travelling in a bus with a crowd as ours , silently to himself. I call him , The Common Man.

Part 2 : How to Identify a Common Man

Spot these :
> That guy with the length of his pants in a whirl , somewhere amputated , between three-fourths and fulls , bottoms like opened jaws of a whale , on its arduous swim to gobble every today for it's family , waist so constricted , as if made of pant-colored-pocelain right around the boulders of the flintstone-land , awwww , deformed with time.Often can you see this lower middle class , with hard working bulges right at the right places , like their firm determinations , on their way to bus stands , clerical desks , their kid's school, corporate housekeeping choring , running errands for Miss A's kitchen , Mr. Y's garden , Mrs Z's school and Mr K's government desk. These people who work for Mr's n Mrs's A to Z and further on the President's and the MLA's , are merely a 1st , 2nd and 3rd degree of separation to each other , no matter which branches of the traditional-Indian-hierarchical-tree they burgeon from.
> That lady wearing a summery-curtain-print kurta with a bottom of the same cloth or a very thin cotton saree that could be washed and dried easily or bright contrasting colors with traditional jewellery in a city so pink , all fall into the same pool of non-imaginary-real-common-manhood.
These people are, or have been, perhaps, your father or my father at some point of time, or at one point of time, such were our fathers.

Le unseen potrait de common man

Fatherly , motherly and sartorial stuff aside. The real potrait of a common man looks something like this :
A swirling urge in the heart , shoring to the eyes and floating there in the form of a wanting to render abundant comforts to his kids but yet the pool of infinite patience never subsiding for the lack of resources to do so. The career of common-manhood edifies patience as its first weapon of survival. Patience here refers to the ability to endure much more than what he can confide in his kids or wife. That elasticity of hankering from getting his kid a plane or that little crawling girl her first voile-frock hinges on this ammunition-de-patience. This is the prime idiosyncrasy of a common man.
No matter how right this class is, they mostly never get their fair share of justice over land or water or police cases they file against crime , so they say in India atleast. Why? Simply because they fail to please the Judicio-political Indian cult viz. have nothing to reciprocate the equity with.
Since when was equity on a clearance sale? And who ever bought it?
To flesh out the subject let’s consider property encroachment case filed by this common man of the state Himachal Pradesh. This person here files a case against illicit land purchase, land encroachment , unlicensed construction and Violation of the Forest Act of Himachal.
Under Himachal Pradesh land laws, only the state's permanent residents can buy the land in the state. Others who want to purchase the land for non-agricultural purposes have to seek relaxations under Section 118 of the Land Reforms and Tenancy Act from the state government. But this guy purchases a land despite having a domicile for the state , cuts down a tree in a ‘green land’ right in the middle of houses , makes the biggest building by bringing down the houses that surround him circularly , leaves no boundary around his house , pulls down a retaining wall of an adjoining house and happily goes on constructing his big blue building.
Upon being filed a case , the guy happens to be of some origin , not Himachali – holding no right to buy a land until some clause’s 1 2 3. Holds no right whatsoever, to chop trees which sadly fall in the centre of his so-called-self-proclaimed-land and needs to construct back the attacked-retaining-wall of his neighbor. The guy is backed enough to take the old photographs of the same-sane wall and present it in the court as if he re-constructed it after pulling it down. To no surprise the judge agrees with him , and I wonder why. I saw this happen and kept wondering how could this happen ? How could he escape such a government that says “we-love-green-and-we-will-penalize-you-if-harm-a-damn-tree” ? How could he construct his house on a Green Land - State government’s property? How ?
The petitioner on the other hand tries to meet every right official involved and questions them as to why this is allowed within the state? To no answers , he one fine day discovers that the illegal constructor happens to be a seamster of the clergy and the politicians of the state. Plus, all parties right from the ground zero are impressed with him because he is awesome at their garmentmaking. Excuse me ! ?? ! Well , when did our politics need reasons ? And what reasons are anyways capable enough to brazen out truth ? So here : The petitioner gawks at the broken wall as the perpetrator rejoices over the same. Whatever happened to the sunshine on the broken column !! Well , till Priyanka Gandhi Vadra’s house in himachal is well under construction and a few minutes away from the Helipad , who cares ?
The common is just lost , just the special lot remains , and what makes the special more special is the power to be and the power to make - Anything of anything.

Commonmanhood of the Indian IT

Here in India , these common men donot not wear gucchi and prada.They do. What they donot wear is the real badge of murder of self-honor,self-respect and non-toadiness .These people who donot hail any claque or are unable to gerrymander because that's how they are , are made to feel , every now and then , like some impractical citizens or common men.They continue doing whatever they're doing for their monthly e.m.i's and commitments.The rates of capsicum in the city are thrice of those in teeny meeny towns sir.you've gotta live - someway !
These common men come , work their best , get the worst.They crib for a while and then settle into the unsettling silence of the-self-worth-questionaire.Rarely are they helped.This makes me believe that there is an entity as luck and it defines much of what they call - destiny.The bitch who can not be helped.
Life goes on , so does this comfortably-well-off-common-man.

The Why's

The questions here arise as a cliche' why's.
The first why being ,Why do we become so common in this quest for life ? isn’t life common enough eventually anyway ?
Next : why does everything look like a wild-goose chase after a point of time when the strings are off the good lord’s hands ? Doesn’t every common man have his day ? His patience must have an end too.
Not to be cynical , why does common become so taken-for-granted and played with? The eventuality of all ends remains the same : no one dies as blood or bones. Ash it is. Then sit there and write whatever name you like , with ash.
If everyone's degree of separation is freely pondered upon , it would happen so that the bread you eat swirls forth from the touch of the common man who killed the grains , winnowed them and made the bloody bread for you. So realize your position in the bungle and try living like a man of connection and restoration , like a man of love.
Common man is a phenomenon not obsessed with the goal , because he is seeking , receptive and free.He is the Herman Hesse's Siddhartha of wisdom , wisdom that is not communicable , and of deity within himself , not in books or ideas. He is the truth as much as the unlike and when we talk of evolution , it was his unrest and voice that crayoned the renaissance.
This song unsung goes out to them who believe in the karma , it's repurcussions and the aftermath , but primarily in being there and doing it unsung.
This song goes out to every common man , with a touch of every love that every heart that loves them always wanted to confer upon them , but did not find the right cards or bookmarks or armours or swords or pens to present it.
This goes out to every common man , with love. And quite a lot of it.

Swati Tempta

3rd Day of April 2010

11 March 2010

Loves me , Loves me not : Part 2

Loves me , loves me not.
She asked as if dead flowers yield.

I asked a flower a nuance like love
and he yielded but may.

Silence follwed

and some more.....

And that fragrance on the heels said
come what may
love , is what is to stay :
The rest never was.

P.S : Part 1 on sinha's webpage :)
Thanks for the idea sinha.

09 February 2010

Walking...walking..walking , I still myself at a bend in this state.And Every Damn time !A bend which expulges perhaps a source or perhaps an absurd end.

This body , someday , will come to sand.Dunes by dunes some karma would grow like fungus and some would just dissipate.That askance from self to self of the Do-I-look-like-I-care look , I cannot forgo.How many feet and hands and ears and faces and asses care anyway?

Huh !!!

If atleast we humans could Fossilize , we could remain at the same place until discovered by some snoopy anthropologist at some vague try to hybridize our origins and create some whole new formula of man and mankind and all that evolution.

Not to digress , our subject remains this body , it's blood and it's bones , it's semen and it's meat - it's chassis as a whole.Granularly ,it's end.

I remember how Mr. X walked that galaxy in that stunning attire , o yes , his wife stood by him.I also remember how Mrs. Y jazzed that floor and got herself a visa for f**k-all-land.It isn't so arduous to remember that toady slut scoring 1 on 5 , 1 of course being the best ,w ith that tongue sticking out liek a tampoon.